Chapter 4: The Gift that Rekindled My Soul: Dad’s Message in the Night
Life as I knew it was over. Not just for me, but for all of us. The third and final tornado-like force had hit my family. After a heart attack and two strokes, Dad was gone. Our foundation crumbled. It was too soon to tell what the full impact would be. But, one thing was certain – tonight I needed a distraction.
It was Sunday, February 22, 2015, one month after Dad’s fatal stroke. I was alone in the living room, which was unusually quiet and calm, except for the ticking and chiming of the mantle clock. “The Oscars would be perfect to take my mind off of everything – whisking me far away into the fantasy of Hollywood,” I thought, as I wrapped the soft, velvety blanket around me. Exhaling, I mindlessly sank…