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Wild Mustang Encounters

Wild Mustang Encounters Sand Wash Basin, CO June 2021 Mary Ellen Connett PRELUDE: I wrote this blog right after visiting the wild mustangs in the Sand Wash Basin. I have not edited it as I wanted it to reflect my true experiences at the time. Since coming home from the trip, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) initially supported getting...[ read more ]

The Horses Made Me Do It: The Creation and Evolution of EquiHeart

Curious about how a Marriage and Family Therapist moved from a comfortable office setting to the outdoors? And why she accepted the challenge of partnering with 1200 lb. fleet-footed, powerful horses? Come along on the journey as I share my story. But, hold onto your saddle. It’s a wild ride!   Conception of the Dream It started 17 years ago. Flashback...[ read more ]

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